Dear Friends and Supporters.
As you may know, Plas Dol y Moch has been closed since last March and has had no income since then. Coventry City Council has launched a consultation on reorganising the Outdoor Education Service. They have stated that they are trying to save Plas Dol y Moch (PDYM). However, as the Friends, we have grave concerns about their proposals for the following reasons. 1. The Consultation Process has not properly consulted the users of PDYM 2. We do not believe that the proposals will produce any short or medium term savings 3. We cannot see how the proposals will preserve or enhance educational outcomes 4. We have grave concerns about the impact on disadvantaged children, including those with SEND and disabilities. 5. We cannot understand how two proposed new “business” managers can be appointed without a comprehensive Business Plan 6. The Council is planning for PDYM not opening until Jan 2022, and then only at 25% capacity – we regard this as wholly pessimistic We are arguing for at least a months delay until:-
- · New Government Covid guidance becomes available especially regarding Schools reopening and Covid Safe procedures for residential education
- · The Budget in early March provides more financial certainty
- · The beneficial effects of mass vaccination becomes even clearer
- A new full consulation has taken place with all stakeholders
Councillors will make the decisions. Please contact your local Councillors – many of them will be up for election in May. Please ask them what they know about the proposals and find out from them where they stand on the matter. Everyone who makes contact will help to influence better decisions for the future of Coventry’s young people. To find your local Councillor go to Please do this as soon as you can as the consultation closes next Monday the 22nd.
Also, please forward this email to anyone you know who might have an interest, perhaps they are a teacher, a parent or someone who has been to Plas Dol y Moch in the past.
If you would like any more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 07866 762415 Many thanks Mike Ballinger
Chair, Friends of Plas Dol y Moch
